Sunday, January 25, 2015

A1 Original Steak Marinade Review

DH decided to BBQ today out of the blue and surprise, surprise..I hadn't anticipated defrosting meat because it's January and I had planned on making Beef Stew today. But not to worry, because I am frequently unprepared and forget to pull meat out of the freezer ahead of time, so I knew just what to do. I figured it would be the perfect excuse to try out this A1 marinade packet I've been dying to use! 
The instructions are fairly self-explanatory.  I mostly followed them, using the white vinegar because I didn't see my red wine vinegar within the first 30 seconds of looking and of course I used evoo. 
I was kind of expecting it to look darker colored like A1 sauce and the color that it did look like was not that appetizing, just to be honest, but the show must go on!
I mixed it up well and then stuck my frozen steaks straight in the marinade, sealing it up and smooshing the marinade all over the steaks so they were covered in this brown goopy stuff. 

Then I stuck the bag in a bowl of cold water on the counter to help it defrost. 

Once defrosted, hubby grilled these bad boys up. 

But, I have to say that the seasoning left much to be desired. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't knock your socks off good. I actually prefer my homemade steak rub. I love love love A1 steak sauce so I bought 2 of these. Now I'm kind of thinking I will just use the other packet as a meat rub and call it a day, but I can definitely say I'll not be buying this again.

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